XXII. FESSH Congress & XII. EFSHT Congress

21-24 June 2017 | Budapest, Hungary


Instructional Course

The Instructional Course, chaired by Grey Giddins (UK) and Gursel Leblebicioglu (Turkey) is focusing on the availability, importance, usefulness of evidence based data in hand surgery. Covering the most important chapters of hand surgery the organizers will try to help the participants to have an overview of the evidence based data of some of the specific problems of each chapter. General knowledge on medical decision making, the importance of evidence based data and the use of these data in our every day activity will be presented in various ways. Lectures, invited speakers, debates, panel discussions will try to summarize the availability and sometimes the controversial importance of these data. First time in the FESSH congresses history best abstracts will be included in the scientific program like examples of our “every day scientific activity” providing feed back on the way we try to achieve evidence based data and once having them, how we, do we, use them?

The instructional course book will include more than 20 chapters and the best chapters will have the possibility of a live presentation in the plenary hall of the Congress. Some of the most interesting topics will be discussed together with the hand therapists in order to cover the burning questions of the comlex treatment of these topics.

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